Crafting & Curse Words

Mallory DuVal Mallory DuVal

Lack of Control

The other day I decided to fully move my “pantry” from a cupboard in the kitchen to the coat closet in the entryway. It was the right thing to do, because now I can actually see the canned goods I have and easily get to them.

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A Controlled Disaster
Mallory DuVal Mallory DuVal

A Controlled Disaster

Remember last time, I mentioned that I was going to undo my weaving so I could re-warp it and wind it on with craft paper? To be honest, I thought it would be as simple as just putting some tension on the yarn and unwinding it then re-winding it once the paper got here.

This is where I ended up:

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Learning Process
Mallory DuVal Mallory DuVal

Learning Process

It turns out that weaving is pretty rad. And fast. So fast it’s like magic. All told, it took me about 3 days to finish this scarf.

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Some Aquisitions
Mallory DuVal Mallory DuVal

Some Aquisitions

I bought some new yarn.

Oh, and my loom came, no big deal.


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The Struggle is Real
Mallory DuVal Mallory DuVal

The Struggle is Real

It is possible this scarf is cursed.

I spent several hours untangling the yarn barf. Probably a total of 5 or 6. I was untangling until my eyes crossed and I had a crick in my neck.

My strategy was to wind the yarn from both sides so when one set of knots got to be too annoying I could switch over and work on the other side. Then, suddenly, the two balls were attached to each other and no longer tangled and there was still a mess of tangled yarn in front of me.

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My Arrogance
Mallory DuVal Mallory DuVal

My Arrogance

Mistakes have been made. That’s all there is to it.

First I ripped back the Halloween scarf thinking that I could make it look better with my newfound knowledge of how SSKs are supposed to be knit.

There are no SSKs in that pattern.

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Mind. Blown.
Mallory DuVal Mallory DuVal

Mind. Blown.

I’ve been knitting for around 9 years. According to my Ravelry profile, I signed up in 2011 but I state that I started knitting in 2012…so who even knows. In that time, I’ve learned a lot of stitches. I’m pretty loyal to my decreases though, SSK & knit 2 together, unless something else is called for that’s what I always do. Always.

Turns out I’ve been doing my SSKs wrong THIS WHOLE TIME.

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Mallory DuVal Mallory DuVal


I think I have a case of startitis.

And by 'think' I mean I absolutely do.

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A Passing Fancy
Mallory DuVal Mallory DuVal

A Passing Fancy

For the past few years, I’ve had the occasional thought that I’d like to try writing a knitting pattern. I am a person of many anxieties though, so I’ve never actually tried to do it.

One of my many, many problems is that I tend to get ahead of myself. Rather than dealing with step 1 of trying to design something (you know, actually coming up with a design), I start worrying about step 978 and then don’t even attempt step 1. A quick look at how my brain works…

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A Splash of Color
Mallory DuVal Mallory DuVal

A Splash of Color

I’ve noticed that the last few blog posts have had a lot of pictures of very gray yarn and that, my friends, just won’t do.

2020 is gray enough in attitude, I don’t need it in my yarn as well.

Am I using this as an excuse to start a new project? Maybe.

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An Exciting Weekend
Mallory DuVal Mallory DuVal

An Exciting Weekend

Way back in the year of our lord, 2011, I bought a brand new Nissan Versa. I had become friends with this fellow up in Canada and we had talked about me coming to visit. In order to make such a trek, I’d need a reliable vehicle. While I was working at a job I hated, I was making decent money (for me) so I splurged on a fancy new car.

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Keep on Casting On
Mallory DuVal Mallory DuVal

Keep on Casting On

Things have been rough here at casa de Stitching Geek. Along with everything else crappy going on in the world, there has also been some personal stuff going on which has been making it hard to do much of anything. Usually, in stressful situations, I try to match my knitting to the level of stress. If things are really tough, I do something hard. I think I stole it from the Yarn Harlot but right now, I can’t even focus on a TV show, let alone a complex knitting project.

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Finished Object: V Scarf
Mallory DuVal Mallory DuVal

Finished Object: V Scarf

Today I have a finished object to share with y’all.

This is the ‘V Scarf’ by Tinyant Designs. You can find it on their website or on Ravelry.

I have made this scarf …

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And I’m Back, Baby
Mallory DuVal Mallory DuVal

And I’m Back, Baby

Thanks for stopping by and please don’t mind the dust!

If you’ve been here before, you know things are looking pretty different. Pretty empty honestly. Long story short, I let the old Stitching Geek site lapse and I think I lost all the content on there...

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