Strong Bad Shawl
Well, cool, I spent probably 40 minutes writing a post and it disappeared.
On the 2nd, I started The Traveling Companion Shawl (Ravelry link) using some yarn I bought during the Eat. Sleep. Knit’s Black Friday secret sale.
This is basically a miracle - for reference, I ordered 6 skeins of yarn back in July 2016 to make a shawl that I haven’t even thought of starting yet. So, starting a project within a couple of months of purchasing the yarn is pretty rad. Please, hold your applause until the end of the post.
The pattern itself is fun but somewhat challenging. I’ve had to restart a couple times. In one instance, I missed some increases, in another I forgot to switch yarn colors. It was partly because the pattern was confusing me but it was mostly due to me a) not paying attention and b) going too fast. So, I slowed down and took it step by step and checked my work and I’ve now progressed nicely. I mean, look at it…
Yarn is Malabrigo Sock in Lettuce & Mattise Blue
Isn’t it beautiful?
But Mallory, You may be saying, why are you calling it the Strong Bad Shawl?
Excellent question, imaginary reader!
Often, when I'm working on a project I'll force demurely ask my partner to take a look at what I'm working on. When they examined this one, they immediately said "This looks like Strong Bad".
I was, understandably, confused and then they pointed it out and they are 100% correct.
Don't see it? Let me help.
In a Strong Bad voice: HOLY CRAP