The Long-Tail Cast On
Y’all. We need to have a talk about the long-tail cast on.
Specifically, am I doing something wrong?
Due to my aforementioned tendency to go too fast, I often find myself having to rip out and restart projects. (RIP the Bankhead Hat I had gotten pretty far on…but that’s for a different post). When I start casting back on, I’ve noticed that the tail portion of the “Long-Tail” tends to start to, essentially, unravel.
I thought that it was only a specific type of yarn that was doing it but it doesn’t seem to matter which yarn it is. If I do a LTCO more than once with it, the plys start to come apart. Since I also occasionally spin, I think the twist is coming undone and I’m sure it has something to do with the motions I’m making when doing the cast on.
What it looks like when I redo the cast on.
What it should look like
Does anyone else have this problem? Is there a way to combat it?